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The Halon Ring is an unused zone that was intended for post end-game content, targeting players of levels 51-60. It is very similar to Farside with the exception that it is on one of the asteroid clusters nearby, causing it to be constructed entirely from free-floating components. It is a relatively large zone.

It was possible to make it here during the game's lifetime through a glitch. This glitch was performed by ...

Notable Features

The Halon Ring contains a number of crashed vessels, and seems to be a large-scale hub for Maurauders (most of the zone is occupied by them)). There are no exo-labs, however there are components of Eldan technology on the island.

Quirks & Bugs

This zone caused a number of problems in WildStar's engine.

A bug regularly causes large portions of adjacent asteroids to disappear or become partly occluded, flickering in and out of existence at seemingly random. Additionally, this zone employes certain mechanics that player characters were not equipped to handle. Falling off of the edge of an asteroid will cause your character to indefinitely fall, becoming disconnected from the camera (your camera will stop, but your character will keep falling). Using /stuck in this state will do nothing, and to resolve this issue, you must restart the game.
