WildStar Wiki
Primal Extraction
Location: Celestion
Part of: A Desperate Hope
6 Silver 83 Copper
376 Protectors of Celestion Reputation

Recover primal life for Victor Lazarin to use in the development of new batches of Vitalus Serum.


(Optional): Locate a Godwood Node and signal the extraction crew in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
Defend the Primal Siphon against Torine in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
{Optional}: Locate the next Godwood Node and signal the extraction crew in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
Defend the Primal Siphon against Torine in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
{Optional}: Locate the next Godwood Node and signal the extraction crew in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
Defend the Primal Siphon against Torine in the Heart of the Godwood Tree
