WildStar Wiki
Scare 'Em Silly
Location: Shade's Eve (Illium)
Part of: Shade's Eve tasks
Level: 12 (1)
Start: Maestro Mundus
End: Maestro Mundus
1 UI CRB Coin Silver 21 UI CRB Coin Copper
5 Shade Silver
Wood Frame 02d [Effigy Construction Materials]

Scare 'Em Silly is a Dominion Shade's Eve quest. It is obtained in Illium by speaking with Maestro Mundus in the Parade Grounds.


Maestro Mundus in Parade Grounds wants some help spreading fear throughout the city during Shade's Eve. Use the fright kit he's provided to scare folks silly in the Luminous Gardens.


  • {Optional}: Pick up a Fright Kit
  • 0% Use the Fight Kit to scare Shade's Eve Revelers in the Luminous Gardens (32)
  • Return to Maestro Mundus in Parade Grounds

More info[]

Why do you want to scare people?
This dread festival memorializes a perilous plague. Revelry is important, but so is the instigation of insidious anxiety. My plan is to parlay this party into panic!

Who are you, exactly?
I am merely a... concerned party to the events of this most evocative evening. Mua ha ha ha! Oh, don't mind me. Just some horrifying holiday humor.

External links[]
