WildStar Wiki
Seizing Control
Location: Levian Bay
Part of: The Elder Cube
1 Silver 6 Copper
[Star-Comm Knapsack]
Choice of:
Medishot InstantHeal [Basic Medishot: Instant Healing]
UI Item Sammich [Protostar Space Rations]

Use power crystals recovered from Eldan constructs in Security Hub Sigma to repair security nodes and hubs to restore the Caretaker's control of the Star-Comm Station.


Use the Eldan TEleporter to access Security Hub Sigma in Star-Comm Station
Collect Power Crystals from the remains of Eldan Constructs in Security Hub Sigma in Star-Comm Station
Repair the eastern Eldan Security Nodes in Security Hub Sigma in Star-Comm Station
Repair the western Eldan Security Nodes in Security Hub Sigma in Star-Comm Station
Activate the Eldan Primary Access Hub in Security Hub Sigma in Star-Comm Station
Use the Eldan Teleporter to return to the Elder Vault
