WildStar Wiki
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Welcome to the Official WildStar Wiki
Welcome to the Official WildStar Wiki
The WildStar reference written and maintained by the players.
Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones.
Welcome to Planet Nexus

Nexus is the legendary planet of the Eldan--a powerful, technologically-advanced race that mysteriously disappeared from the galaxy more than a thousand years ago. Located in the unmapped regions of space, Nexus has been sought by archaeologists, adventurers and treasure hunters for centuries--and its recent discovery has ignited a mad rush across the galaxy to uncover its many secrets.

The Dominion, a powerful galactic empire, has claimed Nexus and all of its treasures, declaring war on the mercenaries, rebels and refugees called the Exiles, that discovered the planet and now call it their home. Caught in the middle of this intensifying conflict is a chaotic and vibrant mix of different races from the furthest corners of the galaxy, including hostile alien races, bloodthirsty space pirates, and greedy intergalactic corporations.
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